
Ttgo.bif not found tomtom
Ttgo.bif not found tomtom

Uses ESP32-Pico-D4 (with integrated flash memory) instead of ESP32, uses a (shielded) SX1276 LoRa module, I-Pex connector located on the bottom, micro-USB connector is rotated 90 degrees, in addition has a microSD card slot on the bottom and an on/off switch for the battery next to the micro-USB connector. Has on-board metal Wifi/Bluetooth antenna on bottom (in a better location than V1). “Schematics” GitHub - LilyGO/TTGO-LORA32: ESP32-TTGO-T3 But due to the quarantine we cannot meet each other, so, I have to ask in this forum. I did that, and I assumed it is, so it seems it is not broken. I asked him and he just said that if the diode is working it should show a huge resistance in one direction. But that did the trick and it got restored working. I remember to ask why that, and he say something like “it does not matter which one, a diode is not so sensible”. I have to say that this board (and another one, previous to that one) got some problem like this in the past (1-2years ago) and a electrical engineer helped me: his diagnostic was that the diode was broken, so he directly replace it with another (SS14).

ttgo.bif not found tomtom

Now, I would like to see if the first board has any solution. Then, I directly bought another… that after some tests and trials for one day, the upload stopped working (check for the solution TTGO LoRa32 V2 Cannot upload - Timed out (tried many things) - #2 by maxgerhardt).

ttgo.bif not found tomtom

This board got undetected and I was frustrated after some tests. But since I have seen problems with this board more times before, I am not surprised… First, I have no idea why it stopped working.

Ttgo.bif not found tomtom